Constellation Writing

As an artist I spent many years constructing installations and undertaking an admixture of making and performance and production. I considered and still consider these to be texts. I was polyartistic or, we could say, genre fluid. As I emerged as a writer I found that I had an approach that foregrounded the text but which allowed for the existence (or even intermingling) of other artefacts. From this came an understanding that the text itself could be constructed from fragments. I realised that there were writers taking this approach in fiction, in poetry, in non-fiction and often, with a combination of these and more approaches. ‘Cultures of the fragment have flourished throughout history under such guises as the reuse of architectural parts and the cult of relics, the physical and conceptual image-breakings of iconoclasm, and the aesthetics of repair.’

This newsletter is my post-doctoral contribution to knowledge and a continuation of my research into hybridity in writing.

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